Wednesday, 24 July 2013

How to install SQL Developer datamodeler on Linux?

      How to install SQL Developer data modeler on Linux?

     below is steps for installing sql Developer data modeler on linux...

Step 1: download sqldeveloper using below link..

Step 2: Download latest Java SE Development Kit 6....

Step 3: install sql developer modeler  rpm package....
      # rpm -Uvh  datamodeler-

Step 4: give permision to JDK

     #chmod a+x   jdk-6u35-linux-i586-rpm.bin

step 5: execute the rpm..

     # ./jdk-6u35-linux-i586-rpm.bin

Step 6: After successfully execute jdk..
       set JAVA_HOME path and sqldeveloper path in oracle user bash_profile.
      JAVA_HOME=/usr/java/jdk1.6.0_35/; export JAVA_PATH
      PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH:/opt/datamodeler/; export PATH

Step 7: execute bash_profile...
      $. .bash_profile

Step 8: execute sqldeveloper command

      $ datamodeler

1) select data dictionary option...


2)click on add button....(specify your database parameter)


3) click on connect button. select you created connection and then click next button

4) select select the schema in which you want perform operation ...and then click next button.


5)then select object you need to import..... click on next button...


6)click on finish button....


save the log information or close it...

7) check relation between to object...





work on autovacuum postgreSQL parameter

 In This blog, we are discussing the auto vacuum parameter on a small scale. we will understand the below parameters and will see how to mod...